Seagate External Hard Drive PCB Failure

Be it personal memories, important work documents, or cherished photographs, the data loss is a devastating event. This is where PITS comes to the rescue. In this blog, we will take you through an intricate data recovery case showcasing our engineers’ skills.

The Challenge of Seagate External Drive Not Recognized

Our client approached us with a 320GB Seagate external hard drive that had suddenly ceased to be recognized by their computer. Panic ensued as the device contained crucial data integral to his business operations. He had tried every conceivable DIY method without success, realizing that the problem was beyond their expertise.

Evaluation of an External Seagate Drive Not Showing Up

Upon receiving the hard drive, our experts immediately set to work, beginning with a thorough evaluation. The first task was to examine the physical condition of the device. While there were no obvious external signs of damage, our engineers knew that the problem may be hidden within the depth of the device.

Next, we connected the drive to specialized recovery equipment, and the initial diagnostics explained everything – the device was not responding. This suggested a possible failure of the Printed Circuit Board (PCB), a common issue in data recovery cases.

Situations Leading to Main PCB Failure

Before delving into the recovery process, let’s understand the situations that can lead to PCB failure in external hard drives:

  • Power Surges. Sudden voltage spikes can damage the PCB, rendering the drive inoperable.
  • Manufacturing Defects. In some cases, PCBs may have inherent flaws that surface over time.
  • Age and Wear. As electronics age, the PCB components can deteriorate, leading to failure.
PCB of Hard Drive
  • Water Damage. Exposure to moisture or liquids can corrode the PCB and cause it to malfunction.
  • Physical Damage. Drops, impacts, or mishandling can crack or break the PCB, disrupting the drive’s functionality.

PCB Failure Analysis and its Replacement

With the PCB identified as the likely culprit, our engineers embarked on the challenging task of replacing it. Fortunately, our extensive donor part database played a pivotal role in this data recovery. We meticulously matched the donor PCB to the original, ensuring compatibility down to the smallest detail.

The transplant was performed in a controlled environment, where electrostatic discharge precautions were taken to protect the sensitive components. The new PCB was expertly soldered into place, and the drive was reassembled with the utmost care.

Data Recovery from Seagate External Drive not Working

Having successfully replaced the PCB, it was time to see if the drive would respond. To our relief, the drive sprang to life, signaling that we were on the right track. However, this was only the beginning of the data recovery journey.

With the drive now accessible, we utilized advanced data recovery software and techniques to extract the client’s data. This process was methodical and meticulous, as even a single misstep could result in data corruption.

Our engineers worked tirelessly, recovering data sector by sector, ensuring that no crucial files were left behind. The recovered data was stored on secure, encrypted storage devices to maintain its integrity.

File Verification Session

Before presenting the recovered data to the client, we conducted a comprehensive file verification session. This crucial step ensured that the retrieved data was intact and free from corruption. Each file was meticulously examined, and checksums were verified to confirm their authenticity.

During this session, we also categorized and organized the data into a structure that would be easy for the client to navigate. 

Seagate External Drive Data Recovery

This meticulous approach is what sets PITS Global Data Recovery Services apart, as we believe in delivering a complete and reliable data recovery solution.

After days of relentless effort, the moment of truth arrived. Our client connected to our system to review the recovered files. A customer approved all the recovered files and was highly satisfied with the results.

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Why Choose PITS Global Data Recovery Services?

This data recovery case serves as a testament to the capabilities of PITS Global Data Recovery Services. We understand the value of your data, and our commitment to excellence is unwavering. 

Benefits of Our Data Recovery Services:

24/7 Customer Support by PITS Global Data Recovery Services

If you’re facing a data loss situation, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our 24/7 data recovery services are available to you, 365 days a year. Let us help you recover your precious data today.

Risk Free Evaluation

We start the recovery process with a risk-free evaluation. Our technicians estimate reasons for data loss and the level of damage. Based on it, we select the most suitable recovery strategy.

100% Customer Satisfaction

With years in the data recovery industry, our company supports the highest customer satisfaction rate. We do everything to provide a positive experience for our clients.

Remote Customer File Verification Session by PITS Global Data Recovery Services

During our remote customer file verification session, you will thoroughly review all necessary documents and records to ensure accuracy and compliance.

50+ Locations in US

We offer data recovery services from over 50 locations across the US. This means that no matter where you are located, you can access our services to recover the data.

Certified Data Recovery Services

With our certified data recovery services and 99% success rate, we are confident that we can recover your precious data and get you back up and running in no time.

From PCB failure to a triumphant data recovery, our engineers left no stone unturned in the pursuit of retrieving our client’s vital information.

Seagate External Drive Data Repair

Remember, data loss can happen to anyone, and it is crucial to entrust your precious data to professionals who possess the expertise and technology to handle such cases. PITS Global Data Recovery Services stands ready to be your partner in data recovery, ensuring that your valuable information is always in safe hands.

When the unexpected happens, PITS Global Data Recovery Services is here to guide you through it, providing hope and assurance that your data can be recovered, no matter the challenges.

Frequently Asked Questions

A common symptom of a PCB failure is that the drive is not recognized by the computer or is not spinning up when powered on. If you suspect a PCB issue, it’s crucial not to attempt DIY repairs, as improper handling can worsen the situation. Contact our experts for a professional evaluation.

The time required for data recovery can vary depending on the complexity of the case and the extent of data loss. Simple recoveries may take a few days, while more complex cases might take longer. During the evaluation phase, we provide you with a timeframe and cost estimate, so you’ll have a clear understanding of the process.

While data loss can be unpredictable, there are preventive measures you can take to minimize the risk:

  • Regular Backups: Maintain up-to-date backups of your important data on separate storage devices or in the cloud.
  • Surge Protectors: Use surge protectors to safeguard your devices from power surges.
  • Data Recovery Plan: Establish a data recovery plan and contact a professional data recovery service for guidance on best practices.

If you’ve experienced data loss, the first step is to stop using the affected storage device immediately to prevent further damage. Then, contact PITS Global Data Recovery Services for a professional evaluation and guidance on the next steps.

Hard drive PCB (Printed Circuit Board) failures can manifest in various ways, and it’s essential to recognize the common symptoms. These may include:

  • Drive Not Recognized: The hard drive is not detected by the computer when connected.
  • No Power: The drive doesn’t spin up or show any signs of receiving power when powered on.
  • Burning Odor: A burnt or unusual odor coming from the drive, indicating electrical damage.
  • Strange Noises: Unusual clicking, buzzing, or repetitive sounds emanating from the drive.
  • Firmware Corruption: The drive may display erratic behavior, such as incorrect capacity or unrecognized partitions.